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Tag: 2 Corinthians

Barriers: A Weary Mind

A weary mind is a mind that raises itself as the authority. The ultimate decider of good and right, should and shouldn’t. Some minds may be able to bear up under that burden longer, or subscribe to the idea of the hive mind to reach balanced conclusions, but all will fall eventually. The burden of trying is too much. Because our minds were never made to be God’s mind. The mind of Christ (which is God’s mind) is the one that can bear all information across all time and beyond and come to the right conclusions without faltering or breaking. His mind is never weary and always able and always good.

Ambassador Life

When others scent, follow, and take on the aroma of Christ because of what they know and observe of our life and integrity, the trouble we endure is worth all the hardship, all the devastation, all the trials, all the conflicting emotions and difficulty. It is worth giving up possession of our own life, moment by moment, into the hands of the one who gives us his life. It is worth it all.