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Tag: time

Barriers: Time & Expectations

Regarding time and spiritual investment, let’s begin with expectations. We can have a lot of assumptions about what time spent in spiritual investment can look like. If you’ve grown up in a religious setting, you may have been taught that a proper period of time spent in spiritual investment consists of at least an hour devoutly sitting in a quiet corner, reading your Bible, and praying off of note cards for all the illnesses and traveling mercies of the ladies in your women’s bible study group. That is certainly one way to invest spiritually. But it is not the only way. And it may not even be the best way for you.

Why We Can ASK

Because when we love Jesus, when we believe he came from God, his sacrifice covers our sins, and we gain direct access to ask the Father in Jesus’s name. Then when we are truly asking as Jesus’s representatives, with his motives and ways of loving rather than our own, the Father gives what we ask.