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Tag: weary

Barriers: A Weary Mind

A weary mind is a mind that raises itself as the authority. The ultimate decider of good and right, should and shouldn’t. Some minds may be able to bear up under that burden longer, or subscribe to the idea of the hive mind to reach balanced conclusions, but all will fall eventually. The burden of trying is too much. Because our minds were never made to be God’s mind. The mind of Christ (which is God’s mind) is the one that can bear all information across all time and beyond and come to the right conclusions without faltering or breaking. His mind is never weary and always able and always good.

Barriers: A Weary Soul

The work of spiritual investment is taking what is not right to the one who can make it right. It’s not about bringing guilt and shame, but about being exposed before him, finding that place perfectly safe and perfectly good. And the comfort of knowing that he will not just smooth our egos or tell us it’s fine when it’s not fine. He sits with our soul and he guides, and he has hard conversations with us, and gives us his power to be healed.  

Barriers: A Weary Heart

To begin a helpful conversation about being heart-weary, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge that a weary heart is real, difficult, and even debilitating. I see you. I know what it feels like. To challenge an already weary heart is a tall order. It can seem like asking too much. Yet, it is what we’re going to lean into in this post. Because it is good for us, and moving through it will lighten the burden we are trying to carry and restore our weary hearts to brightness and vitality.